The OSU Weed Science Group conducts greenhouse, laboratory and small plot herbicide evaluation trials in support of the development of weed management activities in the diverse cropping systems of Western Oregon. Labeled and experimental herbicides are evaluated for crop safety and weed control efficacy in the following crops: Winter and Spring Wheat, Cool-season grasses grown for seed, native cool-season grasses and forbs grown for seed, canola, meadowfoam, camelina, clovers and peppermint among others.
Small broomrape (Orobanche minor Sm.) is a parasitic weed that recently has become troublesome in red clover seed production in Oregon. It was identified in a single red clover seed production field in 1998, and the number of infestations increased to 15 by 2000 and 22 by 2001. A small broomrape infestation can cause severe crop destruction, yield loss, and seed contamination. Small broomrape is a federally prohibited noxious weed and is restricted from export as a seed contaminant. Please see the following OSU Extension Publication for biology and management information for small broomrape - click here.
Italian Ryegrass
Annual Bluegrass
Prickly Lettuce
Common Groundsel
Catchweed Bedstraw
Weeds of California and Other Western States
PNW Weed Management Extension Publications Series
Oregon Society of Weed Science
Western Society of Weed Science
Weed Science Society of America
Center for Invasive Plant Management